Swadhisthana Chakra in Bangalore

Above the root chakra is the Swadhisthana chakra. It is below navel area and includes genital areas. The imbalanced chakra symptoms are:
Underactive Swadhisthana chakra
Frequent urinary tract infections (UTI), kidney problems, PCOD, disturbed menstrual cycles, semen deficiency, dryness in the vagina, uterine problems, testicles, pelvic pain, depression, feelings of isolation and the inability to enjoy life with oneself or with others are signs of under-active Swadhisthana chakra.
Indications of a blocked Swadhisthana chakra are frigidity in women and sexual dysfunction in men. To these people, life looks barren, dry, and boring. These people shun all social functions and parties. They are morose kind of people.
Overactive Swadhisthana Chakra
On the other hand, those with an overactive chakra are party animals. Sex is their primary motivator. They watch too much pornography; engage in too many discussions relating to sex and enjoyment. These people cannot commit to permanent relationships and have multiple partners.

If Venus / Moon is well positioned in your chart but are weak or not positioned in right places or creating obstacles because wrong associations with other Graha energies then he may recommend you Rudraksha to balance these energies.
If you have any problems as discussed above, Please contact: +91 98451 24158 / 888 4985 444