Moon (Chandra) Graha

Moon Chandra Graha in Bangalore

Moon Chandra Graha in Bangalore

We have 70 % water in our body. We know how moon influences the seawater creating lull or waves. Moon thus controls and influences our emotion. People born on days closer to Poornima (full moon) are generally happy-go-lucky types. They are very emotional and sentimental. On the other hand, those who are born closer to amavasya (new moon) are prone to depression and susceptible to negativity. A sad movie or song, or negative people make them get into melancholy and depression.

Seeing the moon position on astro chart, we can find out about a person temperament.

If Mars aspects moon , then one tend to be irritable or short tempered. Saturn dristi on moon can make one depressed and sad. Loneliness and unhappy state of mind can be the result.

A badly positioned moon can lead to disturbed menstrual cycle and other blood related problems. Schizophrenia, bio-polar issues, fears of ghosts, and other unfounded fears (because of Rahu and moon conjunction). Too much of shyness, timidity, crying syndromes etc are symptoms of afflicted moon influences Swadhist hana chakra.

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